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3 Topics to Discuss When Selecting a Home Remodeler

Written by Emma Kraft | Jun 7, 2024 6:55:59 PM

Word on the street travels fast when a neighbor has a good, or a bad, home remodeling experience. The friends and family network will have a quality contractor working at every house on the block. The favorite remodeling company does more than deliver beautiful results, they help homeowners successfully navigate the entire design-build process.

Every construction project presents challenges or deals with unforeseen circumstances, that is the nature of the business. However, that doesn’t stop a project from being successful. Reputable home remodeling companies set expectations and expertly handle the expected and unexpected project pitfalls. Highly regarded contractors guide you through the ups and downs and are your trusted partner every step of the way.

What should I expect during a home remodeling project?

Homeowners invest in remodeling projects to improve their houses and enhance their daily living. While they focus on the desired image of the final space, as the weeks or months go by, they can often become disenchanted by the construction process. The more you know about the process upfront, the easier it will be to ask the right questions, select the best home remodeler, and handle construction hurdles.

First and foremost, every project faces challenges. You are not alone. And, in many cases, even with the best of the best contractors, these challenges cannot be avoided. Homeowners can expect to deal with construction surprises, budget decisions, and timeline changes.

1. Construction Surprises

No matter how detailed the design and pre-construction planning, remodeling projects can expect to deal with the unexpected. As a project begins, the demolition or deconstruction phase may reveal surprises behind the walls, such as structural, plumbing, or electrical issues. From rotting wood or a poorly framed structure to DIY homeowner fixes, there can be surprises that raise stress levels.

In these moments, the quality of your selected remodeler shines through. The delivery of this news can be difficult, but the right contractor doesn’t just come to you with the problem. They are ready to talk through possible solutions and the budget, scope, and schedule implications.

“With over 35 years in the industry, I have seen some crazy pre-existing conditions,” says Roger Stuckart, production manager at Kraft Custom Construction. “No matter the surprise, we aim to minimize homeowner anxiety. We identify the problem and have a transparent conversation to talk through their options. With their best interest and budget in mind, we look for the most efficient ways to address the issue and ensure minimal disruption to the project. Most importantly, we want to make sure their home is safe and correct when we put it back together.”

2. Budget Decisions

Do you have a budget for your project? Most homeowners do. The fact is most projects have budget constraints. As such, you want to work with a remodeler who can effectively manage a budget. The right contractor will explain how they approach accurate cost estimating, discuss appropriate contingencies, and have a process for communicating actual costs along the way.

Construction surprises are one of the main factors that impact the budget. When these unforeseen expenses arise, communication transparency is key. Other factors that can affect the budget include fluctuating material costs and product substitutions. Many homeowners experienced these issues in extremes during the pandemic. Lumber costs were at an all-time high and supply chain issues caused delivery delays or required alternate material and product specifications. While not always at such an extreme, these issues are a reality of many home remodeling projects. Once again, working with an experienced contractor who maintains open lines of communication helps homeowners successfully navigate budget decisions and provides peace of mind throughout a project.

“It is never easy talking about issues that greatly impact a budget. However, being transparent about money matters is an important part of the homeowner-remodeler partnership,” says Stuckart.

3. Timeline Changes

Once homeowners sign off on a design, they can’t wait for construction to be complete. That doesn’t make the construction process go any faster. Quality work takes time. Furthermore, those surprises and other issues that impact the budget, often add to timelines. In addition, other parts of the construction process influence the schedule. From permitting delays and inspection walk-throughs to subcontractor scheduling conflicts, there are numerous team members and project milestones to coordinate. Again, working with a highly communicative contractor keeps you in the loop and helps you prepare for project delays that may disrupt your daily routine and prolong the remodeling process.

“At Kraft, we prioritize careful planning and proactive project management,” says Stuckart. “We provide clients with a preliminary project schedule when they sign the construction agreement, as well as 24/7 access to the project schedule via an online client portal throughout construction.”

The Path to Success

As you can see, the path to project success begins with selecting the right contractor. Now that you know what to expect during the process, you know some of the topics to address when interviewing potential home remodeling companies. Ask questions and make sure you are satisfied with the answers. This may mean talking to previous clients to see how the team handled specific situations and challenges on their projects. Don't rely on “free estimates” when deciding who to trust for your home remodeling project. Asking the right questions will help you find the perfect partner for your endeavor. Keep in mind that even before the contract is signed, the right contractor will have a detailed process and a lot of questions for you.

Embrace the Journey

The remodeling process is a journey. While it can sometimes be a winding road with a few bumps, the right contractor will give you confidence and peace of mind along the way. When you walk into your completed space, not only will you feel a sense of pride, but the entire team will. A remodeling project is a collaborative and transformative experience, and the Kraft team welcomes the opportunity to guide you on this journey. Call us to learn more about our detailed process.